
is it hi or hey?

i'm a vegetarian
i'm liberal
i'm a feminist
i'm a business owner
i'm a daughter
i'm a sister
i'm a laurel
i'm a student
i'm real
i'm loud
i dance a lot
i sing a lot
i'm currently a mermaid
i sometimes wish vampires were real
i'm a pianist
i'm a ukulele-ist
i'm a composer
i'm a coverer
i'm the daughter of an author
i'm the sister of a poet
i love natural light
i don't like the dark
i have subpar eyesight
i love music
i love coldplay
i'm a theatre geek
i'm a big sister
i'm a directioner (not a carrot though :P)
i'm very pale
i'm a little sister
i only get sunburned; never tanned
i'm a natural blonde
i'm an optimist
i have lots of nicknames
i have several different handwriting's
i love reading
i love harry potter
i love john green
i love twilight, and i don't even care about your response to that
i love full house
i got a 4.0 last term
i was a resident of california not even 6 months ago
i was born in wisconsin
i've been in manhattan on new years eve
i have an array of mental "disabilities"
i make people uncomfortable for sport
i'm the sister of a guitar prodigy
i know all of the words to b.o.b.'s debut album
i'm embarassingly unathletic and uncoordinated
i go to a lot of concerts
i'm really good at finding/meeting celebrities
i listen to a lot of classical piano
i want to be an actress
i want to be a therapist
i want to be an english teacher
i work in fashion, but you'd never guess that from what i wear on a daily basis
i'm a survivor
i'm really close to my parents
i have more teachers that are my friends rather than fellow peers being my friends
i'm opinionated
i'm religious
i love jesse eisenberg
i'm a self-proclaimed comedian
i love babies
i will call people out if they are objectifying someone
i will call people out for being racist, sexist, classist, homophobic, etc.
i'm known for my twitter fights
i'm very sensitive towards others; my heart breaks whenever i see someone who isn't happy
i'm an hypocrite
i've always wanted to play the drums
i love flowers
i love the beach
i love seashells
i'm an aries; pretty obviously aries, in fact
i'm a minor
i'm white
i talk in accents most of the time
i'm a sudoku master
i overuse commas
i'm great at scrabble
i drive exactly the speed limit; sorry
i don't have a drivers license
i've kissed 3 boys, but don't know how many times i've kissed a boy
i'm a germaphobe
i have the same initials as my pen name
i hated the children's book Stella Luna as a child
i love the stars and the moon and the sky
i used to say i'm an open book, but now i can't be
i get really emotional about the most random things
i'm scared of public bathrooms
i won't drive with someone who texts and drives
i am attracted to smart and respectful people
i'm the daughter of a doctor (of history)
i descended from Lord Horatio Nelson through his mistress
i often feel like i'm too happy to be a good artist
i am smart
i am a deep thinker
i hope i never become a tourist
i've probably been to more art museums than you
i like high school

my dad and brother made me cut out the best parts of my video.

bravery runs in my family.


independent lines regarding the same subject

they say no means no, but what about saying nothing at all?

i'm staying locked up so you don't have to

not saying no doesn't mean i'm saying yes 

i exist despite you

you took everything I had without even asking for permission 

breaker of promises, breaker of hearts / taker of innocence, stolen like art

my no's were locked between my mouth and yours, too scared to come out

nothing stays the same