
perfect symphony, we are a

a metronome in my chest
back and forth
back and forth
nose to nose
the tempo soars into the stars
hand in hand
the calm but inconsistent pulse
like a drum just off beat
pausing every time your hand squeezes mine
face to face
the metronome quickens
lip to lip
and the ticking stops
i breathe in as you breathe out
fitting together like a string to its bow
your hands the crescendo as the strings start to tune
mine the applause opening the show
our matching heart beats create a simple harmony
until your lips find mine
and the ticking stops


  1. "Until your lips find mine
    and the ticking stops"
    I absolutely love that

  2. It seems as if a second poem could fit in perfectly with this. Maybe a poem from the other's perspective, the Counterpart one might say. Well done indeed

    1. it's funny you said that, because he actually wrote a symphony poem too. maybe I'll post it later on 😊

  3. beautiful song

    the breathing in vs. out
