it was called the longest cemetery in the world
millions of people died building the Great Wall China
the unemployed worked on the Wall,
poor farmers,
they sent the convicts to the Wall
archaeologists found human remains buried under the Wall
the Chinese invented wheelbarrows and gunpowder,
the bricks were bound by rice flour.
the Wall is the longest manmade structure in the world, but
the Mongols had no problem getting through the Wall
millions lost their lives building this Wall,
and the Wall was discontinuous
the Mongols conquered northern China for twelve years
because the wall was discontinuous
people say that you can see the Great Wall from space,
like you can see the ocean,
and the copper mine
it's a myth
the naked eye cannot see the Great Wall of China
even from space.
during the Chinese cultural revolution, the Great Wall was seen as a sign of despotism;
[absolute power or control; tyranny]
the mothers and fathers sent their sons and their daughters to steal bricks from the Wall
the bricks bound by rice flour
the sons and the daughters took the bricks bound by rice flour for their farms or their houses
took bricks from the longest cemetery in the world
and now 50,000,000 humans walk on the graves of those killed by building their own coffin
with bricks bound by rice flour
millions of hours
only to be conquered
the discontinuity was reason for falter
"And now 50,000,000 humans walk on the graves of those killed by building their own coffin"